Nearest vets to contact:

From non-Greek phones, add +30 before the number:

George Karatheopoulos, Kranidi, Peloponnese: 2754022348 / 6946413865

  • To get there, take either Freedom to Metoxi and taxi to Kranidi clinic or take the Akliros (“Christos”) boat to Ermioni and a taxi to Kranidi

Kaikilia Sarri, Ligourio, Peloponnese: 2753022929 / 6979449263

  • Freedom boat to Metoxi and taxi to clinic or hire pet taxi to take the animal unescorted  (€60 oneway)

Irini Resou, Nea Smyrni, Athens: 2109352444 / 6987575888

  • Flying dolphin to Athens and pet taxi to clinic

Nikos Nikolopoulos, Poros: 6977688269

  • Flying dolphin to Poros and pet taxi to clinic.