February 2023 TNR
In 3rd of February 2023, 24 stray cats were spayed/neutered, dewormed, took anti parasites and microchipped by veterinarian G. Karatheopoulos and his team. 15 females and 10 males. 6 cats from Neos Kosmos, 4 cats from Rea Kamini area, 2 from pet shop area, 2 from Port and 9 from Ypapanti area The cost was 1.438,84€ included VAT and it was covered by HydraArk.
A big THANK YOU to vets and to volunteers!
We also thank Dimos Ydras for letting us use a space at the old market.
The biggest THANK goes to all of you! Without your support and your kind donations all these years we wouldn’t make it.