How do I report a sick, injured, or ailing animal?

HydraArk’s volunteers will do their best to help with situations involving a sick, injured, or otherwise ailing animal. Please bear in mind, however, that we are not a shelter or a veterinary service and do not have either fostering or treatment facilities. Nor do we have any official enforcement capacity. Our volunteers are few, and those who live and work on the island are very busy during the tourist season and have very limited time.
Hydra Police Station (click for a map)

Hydra Police Station (click for a map)

If you find abandoned kittens or puppies or feel that you may have encountered an instance of animal abuse, the best avenue for action is to take photographs and go directly to the police. According to Greek and EU law, abandoning or abusing any animal is a criminal act punishable by a fine and even incarceration. Enforcement, however, depends on each instance being reported; once an incidence is reported, the police must investigate. You can make a difference by taking that action yourself and calling the police at 22980 52205/53360 or going directly to the police station. It makes no difference whether you are not an Hydriot or even a Greek citizen; anyone can report these crimes. Our volunteers cannot take on this responsibility. Each incident must be reported by a direct witness.

If you find sick kittens or cats (or other animals), we’ll help where we can, but again, we are not vets and don’t have a shelter facility. Our volunteers are not able to take on more animals than they already care for. Please see our first aid page for info about how to help sick or injured cats or how to contact a vet.

Hydra Police: 22980 52205