Hydra ark’s Accomplishments for the Year 2023: A Year of dedication to Hydra Animal Welfare
In the spirit of transparency and gratitude, HydraArk proudly presents a comprehensive overview of our actions throughout the year 2023, marking a year of relentless efforts towards the well-being of the island’s feline residents.
Food for cats’ station- December 2022 to December 2023.
December 2022, January, February 2023: 102 bags = 3300€
March 2023, April 2023, May 2023: 87 bags = 2.739,90€
November, December 2023: 60 bags= 2.040€
Total in bags: 249
Total in euros: 8.079,90€
TNR sessions and other actions for 2023
116 cats were sterilized, treated with anti-parasites, microchipped, and registered in the Municipality of Hydra
10 cats received treatment from veterinatians
TΝRs total in euros: 3.081,85
TNRs supplies in total: 195,70€
Treatments, surgeries, medicines, hospitalizations, total in euros: 3.665,28€
150 cats were treated with anti-parasites thanks to a generous donation
4 cats from kamini adopted
Vaccinations, passports cost: 160€
In cooperation with the animal welfare association of Hermioni GAF and with the help of the owners of Hydra lines yesterday we managed to catch 3 male, 2 female cats and a female dog in Metohi for sterilization
4 new houses were placed
3 new stations were placed
The cost for the new 4 houses and 3 feeders was:
Carpenter’s and painter fee: 350€
Transfers of 4 house to Ypapandi area: 80€
Materials: 282,69€
Wood: 260€
Constructions cost total in euros: 972,69€
Repairs and maintenance of the wooden constructions: 250€
In 2023 more than 150 cats were treated with anti-parasites thanks to the generous donation of Mrs Monica Taylor.
There were 17 food supply points (feeders) for the stray cats (Kala Pigadia, Angelika Hotel, Perivolakia, Ypapanti, Old Municipal Market, Hydra Museum, AEN Hill, Kountourioti Grove, Avalaki, mini playground, mini Karafylaki, mini stream, Kourmada, field, Bouaia playground, Mandraki, Vlychos).
In November 2023, 3 new food supply points were added to the 17 and they become 20.
In 3rd of February 2023, 24 stray cats were spayed/neutered, dewormed, took anti parasites and microchipped by veterinarian G. Karatheopoulos and his team. 15 females and 10 males. 6 cats from Neos Kosmos, 4 cats from Rea Kamini area, 2 from pet shop area, 2 from Port and 9 from Ypapanti area. The cost was 1.438,84€ included VAT and it was covered by HydraArk.
On Tuesday, March 7 2023, 29 stray cats were spayed/neutered, dewormed, took anti parasites and microchipped by veterinarian G. Karatheopoulos and his team.
24 females and 5 males. 6 cats from Neos Kosmos, 6 cats from Rema Kamini area, 7 cats from Arts school area, 1 from Ypapanti area, 2 from port area and 6 cats from Bouagia area .The cost was 1.643,01 € included VAT and it was covered by HydraArk.
3 sick cats (1 from the port, one from Kamini and one from Museum) were sent to a vet’s clinic in Athens. Kamini and Museum cats returned healthy while old port cat didn’t make it.
From 2/6 to 6/6 2023, the Athens-based animal Charity Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T in collaboration with Hydra Ark, brought its team and two veterinarians to Hydra and sterilized and provided medical attention to the island’s street cats.
63 cats were spayed/neutered, dewormed, took anti parasites and microchipped.
There were also several teeth extractions and one eye surgery.
5 stray cats were sent to Athens for further treatment by Hydra Ark. 2 didn’t make it whereas 3 returned healthy to their colonies.
A big THANK YOU to LBS, vets and to volunteers! We also thank Dimos Ydras for letting us use a space at the old market.
In 12th and in 14th of June, 2 cats were sent to a vet’s clinic in Athens. One from Hospital’s colony and one from the port. Both returned healthy.
In 29th of September, in cooperation with the animal welfare association of Hermioni GAF and with the help of the owners of Hydra lines yesterday we managed to catch 3 male, 2 female cats and a female dog in Metohi for sterilization.
Unfortunately, we did not manage to catch a female dog, mother of 7 puppies that have been taken over by volunteers from Hydra. Many thanks to GAF, Hydra Lines people and our volunteers.
In 12th of October 4 new houses were placed in Ypapanti colony. We through away cartons and area was cleaned.
In begging of November, 3 new food stations were placed in 3 new locations.
New areas are:
Agios Antonios Kamini: Mrs Despoina Kypreou from SAR takes care the filling.
Loulou Grove (bouagia): Mrs Popi Zogkou SAR takes care the filling.
Mandraki coastal path: Hydra Ark’s volunteers take care.
2023 plans had to being postponed due to funds being used in emergencies and food supplies, coupled with a shortage of volunteers.
New Goals of HydraArk
For 2024, HydraArk aims to implement as many sterilization, health care, and vaccination/deparasiting programs for cats as possible
HydraArk will proceed with installing additional wooden structures to provide food, water, and shelter in various areas of the island while maintaining the food program. Regrettably, due to a substantial increase in the cost of cat food, we are compelled to reduce the monthly supplies from 2 bags per station to 1. For December 2023, we are providing 2 bags per station as an additional assistance to the cats. We earnestly hope and wish to secure funds to continue this support in the upcoming months.
2023 plans we hope to be able to fulfill this year:
Informational visits to local schools and events for children. The purpose will be to establish philanthropy in the minds of children with the ultimate goal of creating a new, animal-loving generation, which respects all forms of life, but at the same time our purpose is to offer joy and creative employment to children.
In the context of the European Directive that provides for a reduction in the use of plastic bags after the passing of the relevant directive, on April 28, 2015, by the European Parliament, we thought as a union to take actions to limit the use of plastic bags on our island. In cooperation with other organizations, we intend to distribute stylish canvas bags to the residents of our island in an effort to reduce the use of and even abolish the plastic bag.
HydraArk intends to expand its actions in the protection of the environment and to continue as a philanthropic and environmental association.
Coastal cleaning is in the future plans of our association. But also, an Outdoor Exchange Library that unites socially and promotes education and self-improvement.
Finally, we hope that in 2024 the permanent shade and the two water troughs for the horses will be installed in a suitable place. This has been a long-standing request of our association.
Expressing Gratitude:
We would like to warmly thank our members, volunteers and friends, who have worked tirelessly and voluntarily all these years and all our donors from every corner of the earth!
Thank you to Ms. Heidi Keller, Eli Solberg, Gabriella Stabler, Thea Goldstine, Alicia Heiniger and Monica Taylor, Anne and Gurvan Quigna and their friend Veronic for their generous donations!
Thank you to our wonderful doctors.
Thank you to Municipality of Hydra for granting us space for the TNRs.
Thank you to our volunteers for helping us by filling the following stations and locations:
Kala Pigadia
Angelika Hotel
Old Municipal Market
Hydra Museum
AEN Hill
Kountourioti Grove
Karafylaki, Kamini
Mandraki coastal path
Thank you to SAR’s volunteers, Popi Zogkou, Depsoina Kypreou, Pavlina Proteou for helping us by filling with food the following stations and locations:
Bouagia mini playground
Rema Kamini
Football field
Bouagia, Loulou grove
Agios Antonios, Kamini
SAR is a new animal welfare organization in Hydra, established in 2023. We are delighted to receive support, especially considering that since 2007, our organization has tirelessly worked towards making Hydra a genuinely animal-friendly place. We extend our heartfelt wishes for their health and strength in their endeavors.
Many thanks to Animal Action, The Marching Animal Welfare Trust of Geneva, Help Animals International, and The D G Charitable Settlement for their assistance the previous years.
Many thanks to Let’s Be SMART for their assistance in 2023.
Finally, we thank the publisher of Voice of Hydra for allocating space in the electronic and printed editions of the newspaper and for her help in everything we have asked of her.
A detailed account of the long-term work of the animal welfare association “HydraArk,” which has been working continuously and very actively on our island since 2007, has been published on the website of www.fonitisydras.com
HydraArk is a nonprofit animal welfare association (No. 4531/2007) based in Hydra. Its activity is based exclusively on the voluntary work of its members, their subscriptions, and the donations of its friends. At present 98% of the members of HydraArk are foreigners and 2% are Greeks.
All the association’s programs are financed by the subscriptions and donations of its members.
Warm wishes for a healthy and happy New year!