November 2022 TNR
- In 18th of November 2022, 30 stray cats were spayed/neutered, dewormed, took anti parasites and microchipped by veterinarian G. Karatheopoulos and his team. 19 females and 11 males. 5 cats from Orloff hotel area, 3 cats from Avlaki area and 22 cats from Kamini area. The cost was 1.266,93€ included VAT and it was covered by HydraArk.
- 2 stray cats were brought to the vet in poor condition and they were sent to a clinic in Athens. The costs of their hospitalization and transportation will be covered by HydraArk.We hope both cats to return strong and healthy.
A big THANK YOU to vets and to volunteers!
A big THANK YOU to you all!