News & Announcements

Care and Protection of the Animals of our Island 2020

HydraArk is a nonprofit animal welfare association (No. 4531) based in Hydra.

Its action is based exclusively on the voluntary work of its members and the donations of its supporters. Ninety percent of the members of the “Ark” are foreigners, and 10% are Greeks.

Report of the Ark of Hydra for 2020

Years ago Hydra was known for its overpopulation of cats as well as for sick little kittens with respiratory problems and serious eye infections leading in some cases to blindness.

HydraArk has in recent years managed to significantly reduce the overpopulation of cats, as well as to improve the overall picture of their health.

On 8/02/20 & 9/02/20 cats were neutered on the island of Hydra.

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Happy and Healthy 2021!

We would like to wish you Happy and healthy New year! A big thank you to all of you for supporting us all these years. A big thank you to all members and donors! THANK YOU!

We are sorry to let you know that our programs have been postponed due to Lockdown in Greece. We are doing our best to help animals during these difficult days. We will keep you informed.

Stay healthy and safe!

Veterinary Care of Hydra’s Equines

Καθώς το νησί μας χαρακτηρίζεται από την ιδιαιτερότητα της έλλειψης τροχοφόρων και επομένως στηρίζεται αποκλειστικά στην παρουσία των ιπποειδών, επιβάλλεται η λήψη των απαραίτητων μέτρων για τη σωστή διαχείριση των συνθηκών ευζωίας τους. Η κτηνιατρική φροντίδα των ιπποειδών μας είναι αναγκαία.

Ελλείψει εξειδικευμένων κτηνιάτρων αλλά και πεταλωτών, τα ζώα υποφέρουν από προβλήματα που θα μπορούσαν εύκολα να αποφευχθούν.

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